Yes, there was some soreness setting in... But, the weather was great and we were having a blast ripping the local trails, eating good food, and partying in NYC. A great customer and friend of mine from New Zealand (Ian) was in town and he was on schedule to join us for the Sunday ride. This would be Ian's first time on a 29er. He got to ride JW's Rocky Mtn. geared Hammer 29er hardtail which is crafted from delicious Reynolds 725 tubing. I rode Powder 2, my Rocky Mtn SS 29er. JW rode his Cannondale SS 29er. Sosarillo joined us for the ride too. It's always fun to ride with The Sos. He's a ripper. Sos had to pedal extra hard because he was about 3 inches short of a 29er. We rolled out to Glacier Ridge on LI and came upon a parking lot full of riders! There was a going away ride for someone who was moving to Australia via Virginia (don't ask me?) and about 30 riders had just come out of the woods. Linda from Bike Junkie saw our Rocky's on the roof as we pulled in and she gave us the lowdown...

A motley crew we are...

The Sos rolling old school on his Dragon.

I'm not sure what these 2 were looking at? Some people just like looking at maps....especially Eagle Scouts.

It was fast and furious. A good time had by all and an American tradition to celebrate the finish! A Coke Slurpee....

Ian meet Coke Slurpee....Coke Slurpee, Ian. They got along famously!

Special thanks to JW for making the trip to NYC. A great staycation for me! Can't wait to do it again...