The soundtrack to today's mountain bike ride - Lir - from Dublin
Ronan - Guitarist/writer for Lir
Oneness: A state or condition of perfect harmony or accord.
I touched it today. I felt it a bit while I railed my Spot Longboard singlespeed 29er around the turns at Glacier Ridge as fast and hard as I possibly could. It was a solo mission and Lir was rocking in my headphones.....driving me. I was alone, in my head, and I was thinking. Dangerous, I know. Striving for oneness. I want everything to come together just right. I want my mountain bike ride to be just right. Good weather and good trail conditions. A good cup of coffee in the morning. Good nutrition and hydration. A good night's sleep. And my bike running like it's supposed to. So I can let it all out on the trail. All of my pent up aggression. All the negativity that gets internalized on a daily basis in my New York City life. A metamorphosis. Synthesis. To create positivity and good energy from all the chunks of life dumped into my grinder. It's a delicate balance. I want that oneness in all things. In my life. Love, work, family, friends, fun.... I'm putting all those pieces together.....and I like it when it works. It feels really good. And then I want more of it. And for me, it starts and ends with the ride. The ride is the roots and the foundation of my existence. Mountain, road, commuting, skateboarding, snowboarding.... Like Bunny Wailer said There can be no stems, leaves, or branches without the roots. Riding is my roots.
One gear
9 pack at Jungle Habitat
Max and Cody (from Maine), not Max :)