Monday, July 9, 2012


The Summer months are my favorite time to ride! I like it hot!

Open this link in a new window and listen to one of my favorite Summer songs by the band's called "Summer". Clever eh...

On June 1st I had hernia surgery! What a bummer.... The only good news is now I am bionic and have kevlar mesh sewn in to my body! Crazy! My fabulous surgeon Dr. Lo at Beth Israel Hospital in NYC told me I could not ride for 4-6 weeks!!!! Not good for me. My inner superhero channeled extreme healing energy immediately... I walked home from the hospital after the surgery.....10 blocks, and yes, I was well doped up. Ayuh. I stayed home for 3 days resting/healing, then I went back to work. I walked to work for 2 weeks, 4 miles a day. It was so incredibly hard not to get on one of my bikes and ride. It took immense will power, but I had to do it. Then I started to commute by bike again. What a relief to be back on wheels. First mellow road ride 18 days after surgery. First xc mountain ride 30 days after surgery in Southern MD for the 4th of July. I got 3 days in on the trail in extreme heat. It felt great! I am back, almost. Not quite 100% yet, but ready to get back to the rocky rough stuff in another week or so. I can barely wait. Riding road is getting me back in shape and it feels great. I love my road bike! In a few days I'll fly to Snowbird in Utah to see and ride all the new 2013 bikes from Specialized. I'll have a full report upon my return. Sorry that I've been away from the blog, but what could I say except ARGH!!!

First road ride up to the
GW Bridge and back...

First mtb ride....JC, JW, and Amy ready to ride
in 97 degree heat! Amy got heat stroke. Ouch!

JW explaining his spider web catcher invention...hehe

So. MD BBQ by JC....Splash hanging out

Sos at Glacier Ridge on my first home xc ride

My new Powell Peralta skateboard table.
Thank you John from Recriprocal Skate Shop
 and JC for the customization and installation!