I was not feeling as optimistic as usual. I was thinking about the things that I feel thankful for....being able to afford food, having a job that I like, good health and fitness, a place to live, my bikes, great friends....I could keep going. I was also thinking about things that I don't have that I'm thankful for....health problems, lack of self confidence, lack of goals or motivation. There are things that I had, that were bad, that I don't have any more. Give thanks. Sometimes you've dodged a bullet and haven't realized it. Give thanks. Anyway, today I'm really giving thanks for an amazing ride that made me feel great! Paul got the Go Pro camera running even though we didn't have any of the right mounts for some reason... We did have tape! Paul, Gil, and I running our Ringwood loop....and we ran into our old pal Alberto on the trail and he joined us for the ride. 15 miles of pleasure and pain. The change in my state of mind from pre-ride to post-ride was astonishing. Dopamine and adrenaline flowing through me. And the feast that we had up in the Boogie Down Bronx at Sky's place was incredible. Two turkeys, one smoked, and pernil ala DR. Give thanks. Be glad for what you got.
More Beres, live. What a voice...
Paul and Gil Mounting the Go Pro camera
to Paul's bike with packing tape. Yep, it worked.
to Paul's bike with packing tape. Yep, it worked.

Gil and Paul on the trail


The Feast, post-destruction

The landing where I took a nap after dinner....
Maybe it was the brownies?
Maybe it was the brownies?

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