It's called Gratitude. That's what I was thinking about on this Halloween ride. Click play and listen to the track while you read.
This ride was powered by The Beastie Boys and when Gratitude came on I realized that was the theme of the ride. I almost didn't go. Couldn't find the motivation until a special friend texted me and asked "are you going mtb'ing today? It's perfect weather". At that moment, I knew I had to go. I grabbed my gear and my single speed Spot 29er and rolled out of the East Village. I had to purify myself on the trails of Glacier Ridge on LI. Cycle Therapy. That's what's driving me. I need it to breathe. Like oxygen for my soul. The weather was indeed perfect, sunny, and beautiful. The trail conditions were also perfect. Riding solo is when I ride the hardest and fastest. This day was no exception. I rode. Hard and fast and smooth. Flying through the trails. Maybe faster than I've ever ridden there. It was exhilarating and I felt alive and at one with my bike and my world. At the 10 mile mark when I got to White Ghost I was 60 minutes in. I was flying, in the woods, on the Earth, in my world. The world where I ride to live, and live to ride. I was riding like a jaguar and almost hit a group of 3 deer as I rolled up on them silently. The ride was great! And I was thankful. For the rides and for the friends and people in my life who support me and love me and ride with me. The ride revitalized me and it was Halloween! The evening proved to be fruitful and fun! Sushi at Takahachi, 2 great, young bands at Local 269 where I met Emily, the singer/guitarist pictured who led us to the Rockwood to see a band play Prince's Purple Rain from start to finish. My life is pretty good. Gratitude. Trick or treat.
The windmill was spinning on LI

10 miles in

Cold sake in a box

1 girl from Tucson and 2 boys from NJ, rockin.

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